If you haven’t checked out my Modern Wicked Fairy Tale series, now’s the time! I will also be releasing: A Modern Wicked Fairy Tale: RED; A Modern Wicked Fairy Tale: GRETEL and A Modern Wicked Fairy Tale: BRIAR ROSE! Look for them in the next few months!
ALICE: Modern Wicked Fairy Tales
In this modern version of the fairy tale classic, Alice is madly in love with a man who taps into her naturally submissive nature and introduces her to the pleasurably painful delights of the BDSM world. When her Wade Knight sends a car to take her to a strange and wonderful new place, Alice finds herself in a very sticky situation where everything is upside down and nothing is as it seems.
Warnings: This title contains elements of bdsm including spanking and mild femdom as well as strange, sexy and surreal situations that may cause sweatiness, dizziness and a sudden desire to engage in naughtiness.
“I need to go home.” Alice saw the Red King flash by out of the corner of her eye. He was behind her now but not touching her. “Have you seen my driver?”
“What driver?” His voice, behind her. “What do you want your safe word to be, Alice?”
“He had white gloves on. And a hat. He was very tall,” she explained. His hand moved over her shoulder, his touch light, but his palm huge. “My safe word?”
“The white rabbit?” the king inquired. She gasped when he cupped her breast, kneading the firm flesh in his fingers. “Yes, dear, your safe word. You do know what one is, don’t you?”
“White rabbit?” Alice asked, confused, trying to ignore the tingling sensation from her nipple to her crotch as he manipulated it between thumb and finger.
“Well, it’s strange, but it will do,” the king said with a laugh. “White rabbit it is.”
“Wait—” Alice said again, but it was too late, far too late. Behind her, the king had disrobed. She felt the heat from his body and the press of his cock, thick and huge, against her hip. “What are you doing?”
“From now on, the Red Queen asks the questions.” The king reached down between her legs and cupped her mound from behind. Alice had shaved smooth for Wade and her vulva was soft as velvet in his hand. “And I do all the dirty work.”
“I like the dirty work,” he confessed, his fingers parting her lips, dipping in, testing the waters.
RAPUNZEL: Modern Wicked Fairy Tales
Rachel runs Rapunzel’s, a high-end salon on the lower level of a downtown Chicago high rise and lives happily in self-imposed exile in an apartment at the top of the tower—that is until Jake Malden walks in with his teen daughter, Emma, and presents Rachel with a dilemma. Young Emma is determined to defy her mother’s wishes and get her long, beautiful, untouched hair cut off so she can donate it to charity to honor a friend with cancer. Rachel’s decision to cut the girl’s hair starts a snowball of drama, turmoil and hidden secrets rolling downhill on a course with destiny that no one is able to stop, one that ultimately threatens not only Rachel’s livelihood, but her slowly melting heart as well.
Warnings: This title contains graphic language and sex and makes mention of vibrators, hockey, cappuccinos, silk panties, thigh highs, cheerleaders, big bald gay men, lawyers, ex-wives and contains one very hot, very sexy, and quite unforgettable limo ride.
“You have really lovely hair.”
The comment made her breath catch and Rachel touched her wig, suddenly self-conscious.
“Thank you.”
She felt his hand moving, brushing the hair over her shoulder, and glanced at him. He wasn’t looking at her face. His gaze followed the line of her jaw, her throat. She knew it was an opening—she could have said something, told him about her illness, but she didn’t. What she really wanted to do was to erase the thought entirely from her mind and she could only think of one way to do it.
“Hey there…” He accepted the weight of her, surprised, when she turned and put her arms around his neck.
“Do you want to kiss me?” She could smell her own breath, thick with alcohol, her mouth so close to his. The liquor had given her courage, a boldness she didn’t normally possess, but it had opened up something else too, an empty space inside of her, a fierce hunger, a need demanding to be filled.
“Desperately,” he admitted. “Haven’t thought about anything else all night.”
She pressed her mouth to his, trying to recall…was this how you did it? It didn’t take long for her body to remember and Jake helped her along, his tongue parting her lips, exploring the soft recesses of her mouth, the taste of scotch and brandy together making her heady.
“I take that back,” Jake breathed as they parted, breathless. “A few other things have crossed my mind tonight.”
“Like what?” As if she didn’t know. She was turned toward him, stretched across the seat, half in his lap, and his cock was a hard bulge against her hip through his jeans. Her intended distraction had turned from boldness to lust in an instant.
“I’d rather show you.” His hand moved up under her shirt, touching bare skin at her waist. She felt like a teenager in the backseat of her date’s car.
“I think you should.” Was she really doing this? Oh god, yes, yes she was.
He groaned at her assent, his mouth capturing hers again, hand moving up higher to cup her breast through her bra. She had forgotten about their non-date status when she’d chosen her underwear—black silk bra and panties and lace-topped sheer black thigh highs. Now she’d forgotten any agreement or non-agreement between them altogether, letting him feel her up and returning the attention, her hand moving against the swollen crotch of his jeans, making him shift and press up against her effort.
“Oh Rachel,” he whispered her name, his hand moving through her hair, and she cringed, aware of how long it was, how it spread out over them like a curtain, too much of it, as if it had a life of its own, eager to give away her secret.
She moved away from his hands, finding herself sliding to the floor of the limo between his thighs.
His eyes lit up as she knelt and peeled her jersey off, revealing the black bra underneath.
BEAUTY: Modern Wicked Fairy Tales
In this modern retelling of a fairy tale classic, former beauty queen Jolee Mercier finds herself in big trouble, locked in the trunk of her husband’s BMW on her way to a remote location in the woods of northern Michigan where she’s going to be killed.
Her crime? Knowing too much. An anonymous letter arrived addressed in her name with proof that her husband, Carlos, a state logging and mining mogul, had been the one responsible for her father’s death years earlier, killed for supporting the unions at a local logging camp.
When a terrible accident ends her husband’s plan to kill her, Jolee wakes up alone in a cabin in the middle of the woods, rescued by a masked man they call “the beast,” with a husband who wants her dead, and miles of state forest between her and civilization.
Warnings: This title contains erotic sex, graphic language and violence.
Jolee could never stay out of trouble for long and being locked in the trunk of Carl’s black BMW was no exception to that particular rule of her life. She’d given up trying to kick the side of the car to make noise—luxury car makers practically sound-proofed their trunks. Who knew? She wondered if engineers considered scenarios like this one—after all, any rich husband might have to enlist his hit men tie up and toss his troublesome wife into the trunk for easy disposal, right?
Besides, her feet were secured with zip ties, as were her hands, which stretched painfully behind her back. They didn’t use duct tape—too easy to wiggle out of—except for the pieces over her mouth. And even those weren’t just slapped on—they’d used the roll to wrap the silver stuff around and around her mouth and jaw in layers. Carl’s guys knew exactly what they were doing. Of course they did. It was their job.
There was just no way out of this bit of trouble. That realization finally hit her in the darkness, the car’s wheels crunching gravel for a long time now, off the highway she surmised, the suspension bouncing her violently up and down. This was going to be the last batch of trouble she ever got herself into in the whole expanse of a life that seemed suddenly very short.
She’d been so focused on escaping or finding a way out since Carl’s goons had grabbed her out back—zip-tied and duct taped before she could even raise the snow shovel she’d been using—that this final realization hit with such force Jolee actually wet herself, urine staining the crotch of her jeans with spreading navy blue darkness.
She was going to die.
GOLDILOCKS: Modern Wicked Fairy Tales
In this modern retelling of a fairy tale classic, Goldie Lax is a safecracking prodigy who learned her craft from her father and her grandfather before him. When she pairs up with Richard Campbell, who can hack any system, together they make the perfect team, mixing both business and pleasure.
When Goldie’s grandfather, who survived the holocaust only to end up a nursing home in his eighties, tells her about a horrific crime that robbed a good friend of his family’s inheritance, Goldie enlists Campbell’s help to recover the diamonds.
The three Behr brothers have stolen something too precious for words and Goldie, safecracker extraordinaire, and Campbell, their head of security, have hatched a foolproof scheme to get it back, but the long, involved plan may just complicate their relationship beyond repair.
Warnings: This title contains graphic language, anal sex, regular sex, hotel sex, sex on a counter, sex in a bank vault, and makes mention of toys, drills, locks, blue diamonds, catsuits, and the holocaust.
“Most people go to Brazil to work on their tan.” Goldie sighed, watching Campbell use his iPhone to bypass the alarm system. She kicked at a Styrofoam cup in the alleyway, startling a cat—or a really big rat—behind a dumpster. It bolted in the darkness and her heart jumped in her chest in spite of her outward calm. “
“We can do that later.” He glanced up at her and then nodded at the door. “It’s all yours.”
“Promises, promises.” She unholstered the drill out of her belt like a six-shooter, making quick work of the bolt. No alarm went off. The cameras on the side of the building had already been disabled, thanks to Campbell. “Is there a night guard?”
“Nope.” He swung the door wide and they went into the back entrance of the bank, down a dark hallway lit red by the “emergency exit” light behind them. “Yet another oversight.”
“You know, a lot of people go on their honeymoon in Brazil,” she suggested hopefully.
Campbell didn’t take the bait.
“The safe?” She could feel it, could almost taste it, heavy gauge steel, lever like a roulette wheel waiting to be spun—everyone place your bets, who’s going to get lucky tonight? But Goldie didn’t need luck.
“Through here.” Campbell was playing with his phone again, glancing up at the security cameras. The red lights on them were off.
Goldie drilled through another door, this one with two bolts. She heard the secondary locking mechanism at the bottom and swore under her breath.
“They got a backup,” Goldie warned him, already feeling around on her belt. She found what she was looking for, pulling out the hand-held plasma saw.
Campbell raised his eyebrows. “Nifty gadget.”
“You know I love my toys.” She smirked, grabbing her goggles off her belt and pulling them on. “Step back.”
He did as he was told, getting out of her way as she pressed the trigger, waiting for it to spark. She was through the secondary lock in less than ten seconds and Campbell pulled the door open, revealing the vault room behind it.
“Pretty.” Goldie pulled her goggles off to get a better look. “Dual combination. I assume it’s on a timer?”
“Of course.”
She approached the vault with reverence, touching her gloved palm against the surface. Could she do it? She’d had the opportunity to crack a dual combination lock only once before, and that had been in the light of day with the head of banking security breathing down her neck.
“Time me?” She grinned over her shoulder at him, taking her gloves off so she could feel the combination dial in her hand.
“Sure.” He fussed around with his iPhone again. “On your mark…get set…go!”
She closed her eyes and started turning the dial, hearing her father’s voice in her head—just line up the gates under the fence, little one. It’s easy as one-two-three. Well, in this case, four. It was a four digit combination lock, and there was a twin right next to it with a different combination waiting to be discovered.
All combination locks were a set of wheels. All you had to do was line up the notches on the wheels with the contact points and you were in. Of course, with a four-digit combination, there were ten thousand possibilities, and this little gadget couldn’t be hacked with a computer. Goldie didn’t use sound-enhancing equipment or earphones. She used what her father had taught her, along with just her ears and her hands.
“Thirty seconds.” Campbell spoke softly, knowing not to break her concentration.
“Got the first one,” she muttered. Her fingers just seemed to “know” or “see” where the wheel was. She’d always had an incredibly sensitive sense of touch. Even her father had been surprised when she had started to surpass him in her ability to crack a safe. It was a little like flying once she really got into the zone, working the lock around and around, back and forth, slowing as she neared the sweet spot, and then—ahhhhh, such a lovely jolt when she found it.
“Got the second.” It didn’t hurt that her memory was like a steel trap. She could hear Campbell’s breath beside her, smell the Altoids on it—curiously strong, cinnamon and sweetness.
“Three minutes.” He sounded excited, but he always was when they were on a job. He loved watching her work, even though it always felt like a competition. She didn’t know why he worried about it. There was no man alive who could do what he did. He could hack anything, bypass any electronic system ever made, usually just from his modified, jailbroken iPhone, but he couldn’t do what she did and he admired her for it. He truly appreciated and admired those things he wasn’t good at. She liked that about Campbell.
“Third one.” She redoubled her efforts, nearing the end now. For some reason, the first number came easy, but last was always the most difficult. Slowing her motions, she focused, concentrating hard, her tongue sneaking out to touch the corner of her mouth. Her father used to tease her that she was going to bite it off some day.
“Four minutes. Damn. What did you do the last one in?”
Goldie turned the dial, searching for the sweet spot. “Six minutes and eight seconds.”
And she found it. “Got it.”
He gave a low whistle. “Four minutes and fifty three seconds!”
“Got one more to go.” She moved to the second combination lock and started working it. It was all the way at the other end of the door, far out of reach of the first. This safe required two people to open both locks at the same time, an added security measure. She got the first number right away, unmindful of the time. This was just another job, another lock to crack open. The second and third came almost back to back, the notches lining up and falling like dominoes. And again, it was the last one that tripped her up, forcing her to focus her efforts, making that final release an exhilarating thing, leaving her breathless as she turned to Campbell.
“That’s it.”
“Woo!” His eyes were bright. “You did two of them in six minutes and forty-seven seconds!”
“Write them down.” She rattled off the combinations and he punched the numbers into his iPhone. “We have to do it together or it won’t work, and we only get one shot.”
“I know.” He leveled her with a withering look and she grinned, hand still on the dial. Campbell turned the other combination lock to zero it out and she did the same. He glanced at his iPhone, reading off the numbers to double-check the combination.
“Ready?” she prompted, eyeing the silver vault wheel with anticipation.
“Go.” He started turning the dial and she did too, both of them focused intently on doing it correctly. They waited anxiously when they’d finished, stepping away from the vault, and saw the light at the top go from red to yellow. There was a green one next to it that hadn’t let up yet.
“We’re in!” Campbell crowed, grinning.
“How long do we have to wait before we can open it?” she asked, referring to the timer that was set the moment the light went yellow. The green one would go on after the allotted time.
“It’s a quickie,” he said “Twenty minutes.”
“That’s it?” She pouted, already unhooking her tool belt, letting it drop to the floor. “How many times can you make me come in twenty minutes?”
“Let’s find out.”