Calling all Selena Kitt Fans!
Do you want to tell the WHOLE WORLD about Selena Kitt’s books?
Then this is the place for you!
If I had you at hello, click the link above to join! If you want a little more info, read on…
What is a street team and what do they do?
A street team is a group of fans that band together to support an author. Some of the the things you might be asked to do on a street team, for example, are read an ARC (advanced review copy) and leave a review when a book releases, buy a book when it first comes out, put Selena’s books on your Goodreads “To Be Read” shelf and generally spread the word about a new release by doing things like posting on Facebook and Twitter.
What will you NOT be asked to do as part of the street team?
You won’t be asked to up or downvote any of the reviews on Selena’s books anywhere on the internet, nor will you be asked to vote against another author who might be seen as “competition.” In fact, this type of behavior isn’t just discouraged – it could get you removed from the street team. We want to give Selena and her books LOTS of love but there’s a lot of room in the world for other authors and their books – it’s not a competition!
Who should join Selena’s street team?
- Fans who are 18+ (for obvious reasons!)
- Fans who have a FACEBOOK. If accepted to the street team, you will be asked to join a private Facebook group so you can connect with other street team members.
- Fans who really LOVE Selena’s books! She should be one of your top ten go-to authors, an automatic buy every time you see her name!
- Fans who have 200+ Twitter followers and 100+ friends on Facebook (this isn’t mandatory though!)
- Fans write a blog (preferably book/reader/review oriented) (also not mandatory!)
- Fans who review books on Goodreads and Amazon (also not mandatory!)
Why should you join Selena’s Street Team? (What’s in it for ME?)
All sorts of things are in it for you, reader! Here is a sample of off the oodles of extras street team members get:
- Exclusive info – story excerpts, deleted scenes, chapter previews, covers etc.
- ARCs (Advanced Review Copies) That’s right – you get to read the book before anyone else!
- Special prizes and giveaways available ONLY to street team members
- Exclusive contests for street team members with chances to win autographed books, gift cards, etc
How much time am I expected to spend?
We want it to be more FUN than work – so the time requirement is really only about 1-2 hours per new release.
Required upon acceptance (if you haven’t already):
- Sign up for Selena’s newsletter
- “Like” Selena’s Facebook page and Facebook Fan page
- “Follow” Selena on Twitter
- “Join” Selena’s Yahoo Group
- “Friend” Selena on Goodreads
- Friend Selena on Google Plus
- Accept the invitation to the private Facebook group for street team members only
Things that are optional but would be great:
- Tell family and friends about Selena’s books
- Recruit subscribers to Selena’s newsletter and followers to her blog
- Request Selena’s book(s) at the local book store and/or library
Each time Selena releases a new book, you’ll be expected to at least:
- Buy the book
- Write a blog post (if you have one)
- Talk about it on Facebook
- Tweet about it on Twitter
- Review it (honestly!) on Amazon/Facebook/Goodreads