It’s “banned books week” so of course I’m going to talk about banned books. Specifically, banned erotic books, since, that genre happens to be my bread and butter. Recently, Michelle Keep wrote a scathing (and oh-so-accurate) commentary about Amazon’s hypocritical stance on erotica. They advertised “banned books” in a public email, but behind the scenes, they continue to suppress erotica… Read More
Porn Hunt 2013: Gossip Boys “Researching” Porn Real Hard
One of my all-time favorite movie scenes is from Doubt. [youtube id=”7OmBXWA0Rfc”] A woman was gossiping with a friend about a man she hardly knew— I know none of you have ever done this—that night she had a dream. A great hand appeared over her and pointed down at her. She was immediately seized with an overwhelming sense of guilt…. Read More
Amazon at it Again – Blocking Pseudoincest and Monster Sex!
Amazon is at it again. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised anymore when Amazon decides to change the rules of publishing erotica on their site, but there are days when I feel like my career in this genre is a little bit like playing Calvinball. (Anyone else remember Calvin and Hobbes?) The only rules are the ones Amazon makes up… Read More
Nanny State Gone Wild in the UK
Well it’s happened to our friends across the pond. The Prime Minister has made it official – pornography will be blocked by default on the Internet in the UK unless you choose to “opt in” to receive it. (And of course, if you do “opt in,” your name will be forwarded to a UK government agency in charge of overseeing citizens… Read More